Qigong Retreat for Women

Qigong Retreat for Women

Our 2nd Annual Qigong Retreat in Sundance, Utah Thursday late-afternoon through Sunday morning This year’s theme, Discovering The Wisdom Within We will reside in a beautiful log cabin on the stream in Sundance. We will enjoy Mother Nature, make connections...
Service Is Not Obligation

Service Is Not Obligation

  This written insight comes from a dear friend, Krissy Hodges, who gave me permission to share it with you. She is a heart-centered entrepreneur, supporting and empowering her clients to connect with the power of the Divine Feminine & Masculine within...
Learning Tai Chi from Sifu Toni

Learning Tai Chi from Sifu Toni

Tai Chi & Qigong have been a major part of my rehabilitation and every day life—following a major life changing event on December 19, 2019. I was in a car accident that occurred in an intersection on black ice, in Wisconsin.  First and foremost, I am blessed to be...
Winter Self-Care

Winter Self-Care

According to the Gregorian calendar we have officially entered into the year of 2023. I choose to celebrate the new year on the first new moon of the year [Lunar New Year / Chinese New Year], which happens later this month on January 22. If you feel like you are...
Reflecting My Magic… not fears

Reflecting My Magic… not fears

As we enter into this week of Thanksgiving, I am humbled by all those who have reached out to me, with their loving support of the decision I have made to leave the Wellness Center. I was a staff member of the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) for more than eight years....
Living a Life at 70%

Living a Life at 70%

In Tai Chi, one of the first transitional poses we learn is “bow” in a 70-30 stance. Meaning 70% of our weight is in the front foot, and 30% of our weight is in the back foot. Feeling into this stance takes practice, making sure our knee does not exceed the toe in the...
Changing Our Lens of Perception

Changing Our Lens of Perception

Every conversation we have, every book we remember, every story we share is from our personal lens of experience. It is simply our truth. Our truth is compiled from what we have gathered from observing life, and knowing what resonates within our heart and what does...
Halfway There…

Halfway There…

He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived. ~Chinese Proverb   At times I do feel halfway there, and I take responsibility for all that is happening in my life. And other...


I thought a short writing about the subject of acceptance would be a great way to start 2021. Let’s begin with an invitation, accept everything in your world exactly as it is. Sound simple enough? It can be difficult if we consider putting up resistance against the...
Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced it. We have all changed this past year, I have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. As, I am sure you...