Reflecting My Magic… not fears

Nov 20, 2022

As we enter into this week of Thanksgiving, I am humbled by all those who have reached out to me, with their loving support of the decision I have made to leave the Wellness Center. I was a staff member of the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) for more than eight years.

Please know this decision was made with feeling into my heart—it is something I have sat with for more than a year.

Now, I know many of you are surprised, and asking yourself, but why would you leave? There are many reasons, and it all comes down to—believing in myself—and stepping out into the world to share my essence of Qigong & Tai Chi. 

If you have attended any of my classes, you have heard me say, “listen to your heart.” How can I be a good example, if I do not listen to my own teachings? Therefore, I am choosing to follow my heart.


Appreciation FOR ALL THAT WAS
First and foremost, I am so honored to have taught for the Wellness Center. I have made life-long connections with my students, who are staff members, caregivers, and of course, patients. 

With all that I witnessed, and went through personally at HCI, I have gained an appreciation for the impermanence of life—how it can change—with one breath.

Knowing what I know now, with the wisdom I have gained through experience, it is time for me to expand. What does that look like? It’s continuing to share the life-changing modalities of meditation, breathwork, moving with stillness, consciousness breaths, being present, embracing what it is… Qigong & Tai Chi are a way of life. I am being led to create more ways people can connect via zoom classes; in-person classes; individual and group private sessions; corporate and community retreats; seasonal workshops, and who knows maybe there’s a podcast in the future.


Appreciation FOR ALL THAT IS
My point is, I do not have it all perfectly designed now. (Which is something, I learning to embrace, being the Virgo that I am.) My Sifu and another dear friend reminded me, that’s okay because focusing on the form puts me in a box, and limits me. I am open to all the wonderful possibilities that the universe has in store for me to BE of service.

I recently pulled a card from my Goddess Power oracle deck and the Navajo goddess, Spider Woman spoke to me: “The collective dream is being manifested by the co-creative relationship between your imagination and the universe. Weave your world into being with intentionality and humility.”

So that’s my plan… imagination with intentionality, humility, and having fun while enjoying this journey. As the Tao Te Ching reminds me, “The journey of a thousand miles starts beneath my feet.” I give thanks that you’ll choose to come with me on this journey.

To keep us connected during the holidays, I am offering FREE Zoom classes for Chi Moments’ subscribers.


In December, I will give more details about where/when I will be teaching in the first quarter of 2023 (notice I didn’t say the whole year ;-) I do know there will be zoom classes, a winter Qigong experience, and my Sifu will once again share another “Qigong Master Class,” and if you were there last time, you know how magical it was.

I will be taking time during the holidays to really go inward, and embrace the magic of this yin season. Knowing I will be creatively inspired with how I can best serve you.

Stay tuned for what’s next…


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