Letting Go of Expectations

Letting Go of Expectations

Two weeks before we officially celebrate Christmas. But, really if you think about it, have we not been inundated with thoughts of holidays, since the day after Halloween? [thanks to retail] I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel as soon as September is over, the...
Embracing Life as it is Now…

Embracing Life as it is Now…

Learning to embrace life as it is now—does this sound hard? Is that happening in your life, or are you wishing that somehow it was different? Maybe a better job, closer relationships, more flexibility with your time, real conversations, global peace, less critical of...
A Life with Soft Edges

A Life with Soft Edges

Tomorrow morning, I am embarking of my first T’ai Chi solo-retreat. It will begin on Friday morning at 4:30am […yes, you read that correctly, 4:30am] and go until late Sunday afternoon. This retreat has been structured by my teacher, Sifu Gardner, and includes sitting...
Gratitude Changes Everything

Gratitude Changes Everything

These past few weeks, I have been enjoying the 21-day online meditation experience with Deepak & Oprah, “Manifesting Grace through Gratitude.” I wanted to share with you some insights I gathered. If something you read below resonates with you—keep it, allow it to...
To Do or Undo?

To Do or Undo?

Recently while in Shavasana during yoga, I was having a serious “aha” moment. I was telling myself, to let go, breathe, and be still [since that is what you are supposed to be doing in this particular asana]. But, it was so challenging for me, because our yoga...
Comparing is not good for the Soul

Comparing is not good for the Soul

Sitting at my computer this week, I wondered what brilliant subject, [now humor me, with that word—brilliant] I would write about. Of course, first I browsed Facebook, checked in on Twitter, and read some articles from a few favorite websites. I was hoping to receive...
Intuitive Trust, my CDF for 2015

Intuitive Trust, my CDF for 2015

One of my Core Desired Feelings (CDFs) for 2015 is IT (Intuitive Trust). I don’t know about you, but at times, I reach and grasp for answers outside of myself. This year, I am really focusing on trusting my intuition. Being more open and recognizing when I...


A saying that comes to mind, when I contemplate about life, (especially this time of year) is one I learned from my teacher, Sifu Gardner, many years ago. One he has said many times, in many different ways… “Flexibility is the key to vitality in life.” -Master...
Saying yes to yourself…

Saying yes to yourself…

December began this week and like many of you, I was surprised it’s here again. Although there were clues along the way, including the Christmas decorations going up in retail stores the day after Halloween. Our holiday season is in full swing, I know for me...
Practice, Learn, Teach and Repeat…

Practice, Learn, Teach and Repeat…

When people find out I have been studying the art of T’ai Chi and Qigong for more than 17 years, they are surprised. Maybe because it is a long time to be practicing any one thing, or maybe in their minds, I should of “mastered” it by now, and moved on. To which I can...