Personal Insights

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”

Join me here as I share moments of insights from the experiences and people I hold dear. It’s my way of expressing the flow of Qigong & Tai Chi in words—hoping that as we reflect together, we can BE.

Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced...

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Focus on the Things You Love

Focus on the Things You Love

Focusing on the things we love, is where are energy is best expanded. I share some of my favorites things I have discovered during these past nine months of 2020.

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Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and...

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What Would Love Do?

What Would Love Do?

I have been looking at my reflection being mirrored to me through my 16-yr-old daughter. I am doing my best to hold the middle ground, not take...

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Let Go and Let Be

Let Go and Let Be

I love this theme for autumn let go and let be, while giving gratitude, and releasing with ease and grace.I have been learning a lot of lessons...

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Dropping Into My Heart

Dropping Into My Heart

Learning to drop into our heart and out of head. Connecting to our feelings instead of thoughts. Becoming the observer in our lives will help you expand your awareness in all areas of your life.

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Change the Dialogue Within

Change the Dialogue Within

My Sifu (teacher) inspired this writing … I have been breathing in his words and pondering his message these past few weeks. Below are my personal...

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Our Opinions Have No Permanence

Our Opinions Have No Permanence

Taking the time to be awakened to our senses, and feel. Allowing ourselves to BE (Breathe & Expand) into our feelings, asking ourselves how is mind? How is my body? How is my breath? My emotions? Checking in with ourselves on a regular basis and giving us time for self-reflection.

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