Expand into Stillness

Expand into Stillness

I have rewritten this article a few times, mostly because my energy has been really up and down. Which at times, has me second guessing myself. Please know that I am learning right by your side about all the concepts I share. I am far from a master at any of them, I...
Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced it. We have all changed this past year, I have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. As, I am sure you...
Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and following the path of least resistance, but at times the flow becomes more like 25-50 feet waves in the ocean. [Hello 2020]...
What Would Love Do?

What Would Love Do?

I have been looking at my reflection being mirrored to me through my 16-yr-old daughter. I am doing my best to hold the middle ground, not take things personally, but it’s a challenge—as any parent will tell you. I know all this is an opportunity for growth, for the...
Dropping Into My Heart

Dropping Into My Heart

Being in our heart seems so simple in theory doesn’t it? When speaking with students, I often remind them when our hands are on our heart to connect to our magical heartbeat. Have you ever thought about how it continues to beat without us having to consciously make...
Our Opinions Have No Permanence

Our Opinions Have No Permanence

This writing came from my 2020 monthly TAO calendar. The title came from a couple paragraph’s from the writings of Chuang Tsu, Chapter 2 Great knowledge is all-encompassing; small knowledge is limited. Great words are inspiring; small words are chatter. When we are...
Open Your Heart to the Tao

Open Your Heart to the Tao

In this time of physically distancing, we can still connect with others and more importantly ourselves. #47 Tao Te Ching by Steven Mitchell Without opening your door, you can open your heart to the world. Without looking out your window, you can see the essence of the...
Splitting Apart to Come Together

Splitting Apart to Come Together

I drew a card from my TAO Oracle deck, I am sharing it with you because we are all one and in this together. The question, I had formulated in my mind before I chose a card was “What is it I need to know?”  Below is my interpretation along with some from the card...
Yang Metal Rat

Yang Metal Rat

The aspects below were written and given to me with permission to share from my friend, Tina Falk, Professional Feng Shui Educator, Chinese Astrologer and Metaphysician. Keep in mind, as you read RAT aspects below they will influence all of us at different levels,...
Giving in December

Giving in December

The holidays mean different things to each of us. I believe our desires change each year as we ripen on the vine of life and we learn from our own experiences. We all know nothing is constant except change. This giving season extends most of us, out of our 70% range....