Aligning with Our Center

Aligning with Our Center

As we approach the holiday season, aligning with our center is of upmost importance. Within all areas of life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Because as we know, the saying the most wonderful time of the year, in theory maybe, in real life? Below I have...
Transitioning into Late Summer

Transitioning into Late Summer

It’s not summer anymore, yet it’s not really fall either—say hello to late summer. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Qigong there are five seasons correlating with the elements. Known as fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Late summer, also known as Indian...
Expand into Stillness

Expand into Stillness

I have rewritten this article a few times, mostly because my energy has been really up and down. Which at times, has me second guessing myself. Please know that I am learning right by your side about all the concepts I share. I am far from a master at any of them, I...
Unknown Wanderer and the Sage

Unknown Wanderer and the Sage

This story really resonated with me, and I wanted to share it with you. I have been practicing listening to my heart, and my mind less (pun intended—mindless :-) Which as you probably know, is a continual Tao process to pause, feel and check-in with the heart, instead...
Creating a Joyful Summer

Creating a Joyful Summer

Does the title entice you, and bring out your curiosity? I hope so…thought I would share the elements of summer and how we can create joy in the season. FIRE ELEMENT On the 21st of June, we had the summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere. Creating the longest...
Let Go and Love

Let Go and Love

What would happen if we let go of: judgments self-critisim comparing ourselves expectations on ourself and others feeling inferior feeling superior You’ll notice that inferior and superior are both on this list. It is because as long as we feel either way, we are held...


I thought a short writing about the subject of acceptance would be a great way to start 2021. Let’s begin with an invitation, accept everything in your world exactly as it is. Sound simple enough? It can be difficult if we consider putting up resistance against the...
Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced it. We have all changed this past year, I have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. As, I am sure you...
Focus on the Things You Love

Focus on the Things You Love

This year is one that will go down in history isn’t it? How are you doing with everything? Have you had a chance to settle into a flow that feels good? Or, are you still hoping the old world will come back? I am here to say, it won’t. How can it? We all have changed,...
Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and following the path of least resistance, but at times the flow becomes more like 25-50 feet waves in the ocean. [Hello 2020]...