Benefits of Movement and Stillness

Benefits of Movement and Stillness

The body benefits from movement, the mind benefits from stillness, we need both.   Physical Benefits The body benefits from movement.  For me, finding that balance between movement and stillness is key to my creative inspiration, and flowing with my life—whether...
Learning Tai Chi from Sifu Toni

Learning Tai Chi from Sifu Toni

Tai Chi & Qigong have been a major part of my rehabilitation and every day life—following a major life changing event on December 19, 2019. I was in a car accident that occurred in an intersection on black ice, in Wisconsin.  First and foremost, I am blessed to be...
Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

My second installation of Sifu Gardner’s Master Qigong class, continuing with more insights we received from that class. This is written with his words from the recording, and from my understanding. My personal notes are in (brackets).   Qigong Qigong happens...
2022 Qigong Retreat

2022 Qigong Retreat

I am still unfolding all the goodness and learning that came from leading my first Qigong retreat—Nourishing the Spirit—our beautiful setting was a cabin on a stream in Sundance, UT. Honestly, it was as if the stars aligned for this to happen, and I believe everyone...
Open to All That is You

Open to All That is You

It’s autumn here in the northern hemisphere, my favorite time of year, as most of you know. Here in Utah, the leaves are beginning to radiate their range of colors. Our mountains become a visual landscape for artists and photographers alike. Yes this time of year...
Living a Life at 70%

Living a Life at 70%

In Tai Chi, one of the first transitional poses we learn is “bow” in a 70-30 stance. Meaning 70% of our weight is in the front foot, and 30% of our weight is in the back foot. Feeling into this stance takes practice, making sure our knee does not exceed the toe in the...
Summer is Maximum Yang Season

Summer is Maximum Yang Season

We have officially entered summer, and if spring’s growth produces blossoms, then summer’s fire produces its growth.   Element / FIREAn important quality of fire is openness. Most of us have fond memories of summer, we feel more energetic, creative, productive,...
Expanding Our View

Expanding Our View

Earlier this month, 30 of us experienced an in-person Qigong Master Class with my teacher, Sifu Gardner. He laid the foundation in many ways for us to expand our meaning of qigong. He reminded us in different ways that qigong is more than a moving meditation,...
Embracing the Yin Season of Winter

Embracing the Yin Season of Winter

Winter is a time of year when energy is reclaimed—turning inward rather than expending energy outward. In Chinese medicine and qigong we follow the seasons. We are microcosms [human beings] of the macrocosm [Mother Nature]. That being said, we also require stillness...
Aligning with Our Center

Aligning with Our Center

As we approach the holiday season, aligning with our center is of upmost importance. Within all areas of life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Because as we know, the saying the most wonderful time of the year, in theory maybe, in real life? Below I have...