Be the Lit Match

Be the Lit Match

This is the second article from the Master Qigong Class. As you read this, you’ll notice there are links to articles I have previously written if you desire more insights. Also, the first article is Expanding Your View.   In order to light an unlit match, a lit...
Expanding Our View

Expanding Our View

Earlier this month, 30 of us experienced an in-person Qigong Master Class with my teacher, Sifu Gardner. He laid the foundation in many ways for us to expand our meaning of qigong. He reminded us in different ways that qigong is more than a moving meditation,...
Ease, Flow and Abundance

Ease, Flow and Abundance

We often hear the saying, “Simply flow with life.” The question is how to we get there? I believe we begin with ease. EASE I love this definition of ease: Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation. It makes sense, right? And how to we feel that freedom? For me, I know...
Be the Light

Be the Light

A simple yet very profound statement—Be the Light. You may be asking yourself, “In what context?” How can I be the Light when there is so much turmoil going on in the world right now?  My first response would be, “quit trying” and simply be. Remember all separation is...
Changing Our Lens of Perception

Changing Our Lens of Perception

Every conversation we have, every book we remember, every story we share is from our personal lens of experience. It is simply our truth. Our truth is compiled from what we have gathered from observing life, and knowing what resonates within our heart and what does...
Spring Begins the Ascending Yang Energy

Spring Begins the Ascending Yang Energy

As we have one foot still in winter, we enter into the transitional season of spring.  Our hopes are high, as we see the daffodils rising up through the earth, along with crocuses and tulips. The flowers can feel the change in the air, and so can we. Except if you...
Surrendering to the Flow of Life

Surrendering to the Flow of Life

How does the word, surrender feel initially? Feel it and don’t think about it logically. Is it expansive or contractive in the body? Reset and pause. Take a few conscious deep breaths from your lower dantien, and say to yourself, “I surrender into presence.”...
2022 Yang Water Tiger

2022 Yang Water Tiger

Wishing you wonderful beginnings with this new moon and the energy of the tiger. Remembering last year’s ox energy, it was more inward, contemplative and slow. I bet you realized some things that you are done with, and where your energy is best served. Maybe it...
Embracing the Yin Season of Winter

Embracing the Yin Season of Winter

Winter is a time of year when energy is reclaimed—turning inward rather than expending energy outward. In Chinese medicine and qigong we follow the seasons. We are microcosms [human beings] of the macrocosm [Mother Nature]. That being said, we also require stillness...
Gifts I Would Give You If I Could

Gifts I Would Give You If I Could

Permission to feel whatever you’re feeling During this holiday season, you may not be feeling joyful because of missing a loved one, feeling alone or simply just feeling a bit blah. I invite you to embrace whatever you are feeling, it’s okay, you’re okay, or will be....