Focusing on the Rainbows

Focusing on the Rainbows

  With so much change going on in the outside world and in my inner world, I am choosing to focus on the rainbows in my life instead of fixating on the clouds. What does that mean? For me, it’s choosing to step out of the rabbit hole sooner rather than later....
Halfway There…

Halfway There…

He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived. ~Chinese Proverb   At times I do feel halfway there, and I take responsibility for all that is happening in my life. And other...
Splitting Apart to Come Together

Splitting Apart to Come Together

I drew a card from my TAO Oracle deck, I am sharing it with you because we are all one and in this together. The question, I had formulated in my mind before I chose a card was “What is it I need to know?”  Below is my interpretation along with some from the card...
Expand and Integrate

Expand and Integrate

I remember hearing these two words together in a yoga class taught by Brooke. She was having us focus on our breath, inhaling expansion and exhaling integration. Since then, I have been pondering what these two words mean to me. They are very T’ai Chi in essence, but...
Finding a Way to Peace

Finding a Way to Peace

I have been taking a lot of deep breaths lately and resetting. My husband was terminated from his job August 24, along with four other colleagues — which also happens to be my Mom’s birthday, and we celebrated with her at dinner that night. [a great example of...
The Face of Acceptance

The Face of Acceptance

Recently in my T’ai Chi classes with Master Sifu Gardner, he has been sharing with us this concept of becoming The Face of Acceptance. How we need to be more like a polished mirror. A mirror only reflects what is presented in front of it, without judgment — the mirror...
Allowing Life to Flow…

Allowing Life to Flow…

When I first began practicing T’ai Chi, Sifu Gardner shared with us a concept that everything we needed to know in living a life that continuously flows was in a song we learned when we were young: Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily,...


In a recent class, Sifu (my teacher) discussed resistance when we were practicing “push hands” (an advanced practice in T’ai Chi). He reiterated those words we have all heard before, “When you come in contact with resistance, know it is your own.” Do yourself a...