Spring Begins the Ascending Yang Energy

Spring Begins the Ascending Yang Energy

As we have one foot still in winter, we enter into the transitional season of spring.  Our hopes are high, as we see the daffodils rising up through the earth, along with crocuses and tulips. The flowers can feel the change in the air, and so can we. Except if you...
Appreciation for my Village

Appreciation for my Village

Wow. It’s done. This beautiful website you are looking at was created by many Soulful beings with passion in their HeART. D’Arcy Monforte, Creative IllustratorYour imagination and creative hands captured my idea for the Chi Moments’ icon. You updated the reconizable...
Halfway There…

Halfway There…

He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived. ~Chinese Proverb   At times I do feel halfway there, and I take responsibility for all that is happening in my life. And other...
Resiliency with Alignment

Resiliency with Alignment

This writing was inspired by asking my Sifu how he would define being resilient. This is a collaboration of his words mixed together with insights from me.   _________________________________________  The first thing he said was, “To be resilient is to have inner...
Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced it. We have all changed this past year, I have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. As, I am sure you...
Focus on the Things You Love

Focus on the Things You Love

This year is one that will go down in history isn’t it? How are you doing with everything? Have you had a chance to settle into a flow that feels good? Or, are you still hoping the old world will come back? I am here to say, it won’t. How can it? We all have changed,...
Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and following the path of least resistance, but at times the flow becomes more like 25-50 feet waves in the ocean. [Hello 2020]...
What Would Love Do?

What Would Love Do?

I have been looking at my reflection being mirrored to me through my 16-yr-old daughter. I am doing my best to hold the middle ground, not take things personally, but it’s a challenge—as any parent will tell you. I know all this is an opportunity for growth, for the...
Let Go and Let Be

Let Go and Let Be

I love this theme for autumn let go and let be, while giving gratitude, and releasing with ease and grace.I have been learning a lot of lessons lately, and continuously reminding myself—everything in my life I have created. After a few moments [okay, sometimes hours]...
Dropping Into My Heart

Dropping Into My Heart

Being in our heart seems so simple in theory doesn’t it? When speaking with students, I often remind them when our hands are on our heart to connect to our magical heartbeat. Have you ever thought about how it continues to beat without us having to consciously make...