Does Intention Create In-Tension?

Does Intention Create In-Tension?

Let’s begin with dictionary definitions of both: Intention : implies a little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about : a determination to act in a certain way—RESOLVE Tension : a feeling of nervousness that makes you unable to relax : a difficult...
Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

My second installation of Sifu Gardner’s Master Qigong class, continuing with more insights we received from that class. This is written with his words from the recording, and from my understanding. My personal notes are in (brackets).   Qigong Qigong happens...
Laying Down a Foundation with Qigong

Laying Down a Foundation with Qigong

On February 24, Sifu Gardner taught another Master Qigong class in-person. Below are some of the insights we received. This is written with his words from the recording that night, and from my understanding. My personal notes are in (brackets).   He took us on a...
Metta Bhavana Prayer

Metta Bhavana Prayer

As we wrap up the year of 2022, I invite you to say this prayer when you awake and before you go to sleep. You can also repeat it at any point during the day when you are feeling less-than, maybe for someone you know who is having a hard time (physically, financially,...
Reflecting My Magic… not fears

Reflecting My Magic… not fears

As we enter into this week of Thanksgiving, I am humbled by all those who have reached out to me, with their loving support of the decision I have made to leave the Wellness Center. I was a staff member of the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) for more than eight years....
Open to All That is You

Open to All That is You

It’s autumn here in the northern hemisphere, my favorite time of year, as most of you know. Here in Utah, the leaves are beginning to radiate their range of colors. Our mountains become a visual landscape for artists and photographers alike. Yes this time of year...
Living a Life at 70%

Living a Life at 70%

In Tai Chi, one of the first transitional poses we learn is “bow” in a 70-30 stance. Meaning 70% of our weight is in the front foot, and 30% of our weight is in the back foot. Feeling into this stance takes practice, making sure our knee does not exceed the toe in the...
Intentions and Expectations

Intentions and Expectations

I believe knowing the differences between an intention and an expectation can save us a lot of stress. Simply by knowing which is which …   IntentionsAn intention can be defined as “ a thing intended; an aim or plan.”  A simple example would be playing darts....
Ease, Flow and Abundance

Ease, Flow and Abundance

We often hear the saying, “Simply flow with life.” The question is how to we get there? I believe we begin with ease. EASE I love this definition of ease: Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation. It makes sense, right? And how to we feel that freedom? For me, I know...
Surrendering to the Flow of Life

Surrendering to the Flow of Life

How does the word, surrender feel initially? Feel it and don’t think about it logically. Is it expansive or contractive in the body? Reset and pause. Take a few conscious deep breaths from your lower dantien, and say to yourself, “I surrender into presence.”...