Personal Insights

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”

Join me here as I share moments of insights from the experiences and people I hold dear. It’s my way of expressing the flow of Qigong & Tai Chi in words—hoping that as we reflect together, we can BE.

F.E.E.L. Tomatoes… (what?)

F.E.E.L. Tomatoes… (what?)

How often to you take the opportunity to really feel your surroundings? How about something as simple as, when you are picking fresh vegetables and...

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Slowing Down is Productive

Slowing Down is Productive

At first when you read this statement, you may think, “Well how can that be?” How can one be more productive when they slow down? Are we not taught...

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Invest in Loss…

Invest in Loss…

Another great Chinese quote that Sifu consistently shares with us is “Invest in Loss.” At first glance, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Why would...

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Consistency & Commitment

Consistency & Commitment

How are you doing with your consistency commitment? The last blog was about doing something you were passionate about for at least 10 minutes a day....

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Touching Your Practice Everyday

Touching Your Practice Everyday

We all have different practices (passions) that make our heart sing. For some it may be gardening, and for others cooking, reading, art, dancing or...

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Allowing Life to Flow…

Allowing Life to Flow…

When I first began practicing T'ai Chi, Sifu Gardner shared with us a concept that everything we needed to know in living a life that continuously...

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Welcome to Chi Moments!

Welcome to Chi Moments!

The Risk to Bloom And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk to bloom. ~Anaïs Nin I can truly...

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In a recent class, Sifu (my teacher) discussed resistance when we were practicing “push hands” (an advanced practice in T'ai Chi). He reiterated...

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