Personal Insights
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”
Join me here as I share moments of insights from the experiences and people I hold dear. It’s my way of expressing the flow of Qigong & Tai Chi in words—hoping that as we reflect together, we can BE.
Seeing Clearly with an Open Heart
I have been through a lot of emotions these past couple weeks, from the extremely high, to the lowest low, and everything in-between. With that...
Gratitude Changes Everything
These past few weeks, I have been enjoying the 21-day online meditation experience with Deepak & Oprah, “Manifesting Grace through Gratitude.” I...
How does one Experience Relaxation?
We all experience relaxation in many ways... whether it’s gardening, hiking, reading, sitting, or enjoying our morning cup of tea/coffee. I believe...
To Do or Undo?
Recently while in Shavasana during yoga, I was having a serious “aha” moment. I was telling myself, to let go, breathe, and be still [since that is...
Comparing is not good for the Soul
Sitting at my computer this week, I wondered what brilliant subject, [now humor me, with that word—brilliant] I would write about. Of course, first...
Insights from Learning
I taught my first Desire Map Workshop a couple weekends ago, and each moment of those two days, were inspiring, uplifting and so full of gratitude...
Listen and Silent
When I first read that the words listen and silent have the same letters, it made me pause and reflect. At first I thought, “How cool is that?” Then...
Relating to Life
As I prepare for The Desire Map Workshop coming up in April, I keep asking myself this question, over and over again, “What is my relationship to...
Exploring T’ai Chi and it’s Benefits
T’ai Chi has three primary styles: Wu, Chen and Yang. At Red Lotus School of Movement, we practice Yang style. It has existed roughly 300 years, the...