The word fear, conjures up many things inside of me, the unknown, possibilities, anxiousness, courage, new beginnings, and letting go. [Giving you a little glimpse into my thoughts lately.] Tomorrow, I move my outside office, tmdesigns (my graphic design business for...
Paying attention to my breath, seems to be a daily mantra-practice with me lately. Keeping myself focused in the present moment is the kindest gift, I am giving myself right now, and to those around me. I share this all the time with students in class, “Come back to...
As I am writing this post to you, the saying, “be careful what you wish for…” resides in my mind. I have had a lot of T’ai Chi moments (in other words, lots of change), since my last blog entry on I confirmed this past Tuesday, that a large...
One of my Core Desired Feelings (CDFs) for 2015 is IT (Intuitive Trust). I don’t know about you, but at times, I reach and grasp for answers outside of myself. This year, I am really focusing on trusting my intuition. Being more open and recognizing when I...
A saying that comes to mind, when I contemplate about life, (especially this time of year) is one I learned from my teacher, Sifu Gardner, many years ago. One he has said many times, in many different ways… “Flexibility is the key to vitality in life.” -Master...
December began this week and like many of you, I was surprised it’s here again. Although there were clues along the way, including the Christmas decorations going up in retail stores the day after Halloween. Our holiday season is in full swing, I know for me...
When people find out I have been studying the art of T’ai Chi and Qigong for more than 17 years, they are surprised. Maybe because it is a long time to be practicing any one thing, or maybe in their minds, I should of “mastered” it by now, and moved on. To which I can...
I can honestly say for the past few years, I have been desiring to teach and share more Qigong and T’ai Chi. Both practices have made such an impact on my life, and I wanted others to feel it too. Knowing I can make a difference in someone’s life that they can feel...
You may be asking yourself, “Exactly what are the spaces in between?” Well, to me, they are the moments of presentness in between our day-to-day life. My husband recently had shoulder surgery, and for anyone that knows someone who has had surgery, or have experienced...
How often to you take the opportunity to really feel your surroundings? How about something as simple as, when you are picking fresh vegetables and fruit out of your garden. Do you take the time to really feel them? And, I don’t mean only with your hands, I mean...