

I thought a short writing about the subject of acceptance would be a great way to start 2021. Let’s begin with an invitation, accept everything in your world exactly as it is. Sound simple enough? It can be difficult if we consider putting up resistance against the...
Embracing and Envisioning

Embracing and Envisioning

As I write this to you, it’s the eve of 2020. What a year, one that will be talked about for many generations to come, and we can say we experienced it. We have all changed this past year, I have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. As, I am sure you...
Focus on the Things You Love

Focus on the Things You Love

This year is one that will go down in history isn’t it? How are you doing with everything? Have you had a chance to settle into a flow that feels good? Or, are you still hoping the old world will come back? I am here to say, it won’t. How can it? We all have changed,...
Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and following the path of least resistance, but at times the flow becomes more like 25-50 feet waves in the ocean. [Hello 2020]...
Dropping Into My Heart

Dropping Into My Heart

Being in our heart seems so simple in theory doesn’t it? When speaking with students, I often remind them when our hands are on our heart to connect to our magical heartbeat. Have you ever thought about how it continues to beat without us having to consciously make...
Leaning into Uncomfortable Truths

Leaning into Uncomfortable Truths

I believe we can all agree that 2020 has been a challenging year and it’s only July. We have the virus COVID-19 spiking up in most states and more people being killed and treated unjustly #BLM. I have been doing my best to lean into uncomfortable truths about myself...
Live Life with the 70% Rule

Live Life with the 70% Rule

In the practice of Qigong / T’ai Chi, I remind students to use the 70% rule. Seventy-percent extension when extending their arms, 70% when stretching, when moving their legs into bow-stance [70% front leg, 30% back leg], a 70% effort. My Sifu explains that T’ai Chi is...
Giving in December

Giving in December

The holidays mean different things to each of us. I believe our desires change each year as we ripen on the vine of life and we learn from our own experiences. We all know nothing is constant except change. This giving season extends most of us, out of our 70% range....
Growing with Gratitude

Growing with Gratitude

The quote in the photo was taken from the back of a GTS Kombucha bottle, their fall season edition. It felt very T’ai Chi to me. Sink and root is one of the classic principles when practicing T’ai Chi, and the thought of rooting ourselves in gratitude, seemed...
Flowing Between Ease and Effort

Flowing Between Ease and Effort

Our society is big on being productive … going the extra mile … giving 110% effort … doing more than what’s “expected” whether that’s at work, in a team sport, getting good grades, or simply being in a relationship with another person. I don’t know about you, but just...