Acceptance of What IS

Acceptance of What IS

  As I write about acceptance today, it’s Tuesday, January 9, 2024. It’s been 5 years, since my soul-sister, Trina transitioned from this earth into her next realm. It seems unreal how much time has passed, and yet it seems like yesterday we were laughing with...
Winter Self-Care

Winter Self-Care

According to the Gregorian calendar we have officially entered into the year of 2023. I choose to celebrate the new year on the first new moon of the year [Lunar New Year / Chinese New Year], which happens later this month on January 22. If you feel like you are...
2022 Qigong Retreat

2022 Qigong Retreat

I am still unfolding all the goodness and learning that came from leading my first Qigong retreat—Nourishing the Spirit—our beautiful setting was a cabin on a stream in Sundance, UT. Honestly, it was as if the stars aligned for this to happen, and I believe everyone...
Living a Life at 70%

Living a Life at 70%

In Tai Chi, one of the first transitional poses we learn is “bow” in a 70-30 stance. Meaning 70% of our weight is in the front foot, and 30% of our weight is in the back foot. Feeling into this stance takes practice, making sure our knee does not exceed the toe in the...
Be the Light

Be the Light

A simple yet very profound statement—Be the Light. You may be asking yourself, “In what context?” How can I be the Light when there is so much turmoil going on in the world right now?  My first response would be, “quit trying” and simply be. Remember all separation is...
Aligning with Our Center

Aligning with Our Center

As we approach the holiday season, aligning with our center is of upmost importance. Within all areas of life, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Because as we know, the saying the most wonderful time of the year, in theory maybe, in real life? Below I have...


I thought a short writing about the subject of acceptance would be a great way to start 2021. Let’s begin with an invitation, accept everything in your world exactly as it is. Sound simple enough? It can be difficult if we consider putting up resistance against the...
Sink Into Your Heart

Sink Into Your Heart

If you have been around me, in class or outside of class, you have often heard me say, “go with the flow.” I still believe in this concept and following the path of least resistance, but at times the flow becomes more like 25-50 feet waves in the ocean. [Hello 2020]...
Change the Dialogue Within

Change the Dialogue Within

My Sifu (teacher) inspired this writing … I have been breathing in his words and pondering his message these past few weeks. Below are my personal insights mingled together with his energy. Put the baggage down from the past. Do not use it as fertilizer in the...
What if today…

What if today…

It’s the beginning of a new year and a reflective time for many of us. It is also a time where we begin to feel that we are not enough the way we are … we see internet ads, read blogs all about self-improvement, goals, resolutions, forming new habits, all of...