At first when you read this statement, you may think, “Well how can that be?” How can one be more productive when they slow down? Are we not taught and brought-up to be productive at all costs? Beginning from grade school, do your homework, do chores, play outside, go...
Another great Chinese quote that Sifu consistently shares with us is “Invest in Loss.” At first glance, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Why would someone want to purposefully invest in loss? But, maybe the deeper question to ask yourself would be, “When one does...
How are you doing with your consistency commitment? The last blog was about doing something you were passionate about for at least 10 minutes a day. How is it going? Have you been able to make yourself a priority everyday? Did you take the time and ask yourself the...
We all have different practices (passions) that make our heart sing. For some it may be gardening, and for others cooking, reading, art, dancing or simply connecting with nature. My question to you is,”Are you touching your passion/practice everyday?” If your...