Energy Follows Thought

Energy Follows Thought

I can honestly say for the past few years, I have been desiring to teach and share more Qigong and T’ai Chi. Both practices have made such an impact on my life, and I wanted others to feel it too. Knowing I can make a difference in someone’s life that they can feel...
Embracing the Spaces in Between

Embracing the Spaces in Between

You may be asking yourself, “Exactly what are the spaces in between?” Well, to me, they are the moments of presentness in between our day-to-day life. My husband recently had shoulder surgery, and for anyone that knows someone who has had surgery, or have experienced...
F.E.E.L. Tomatoes… (what?)

F.E.E.L. Tomatoes… (what?)

How often to you take the opportunity to really feel your surroundings? How about something as simple as, when you are picking fresh vegetables and fruit out of your garden. Do you take the time to really feel them? And, I don’t mean only with your hands, I mean...