Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

At the end of March, I taught my annual spring Qigong Workshop and the theme was planting seeds. I gave each participant some Utah wildflower seeds, encouraging the students to bloom inside and out(side). Lately, the thought of “bloom where I am planted,” keeps coming...
The Three Treasures

The Three Treasures

I often get asked, “Why do you choose to use the number three when teaching exercises and repeating movements 3, 6, 9 times?” Below I have listed a few personal reasons and also about The Three Treasures. Personal Reasons The number three symbolizes the trinity....
Alignment and then…

Alignment and then…

I have been pondering this concept of alignment the past few months. Sharing it with students in class, reminding them to find their center alignment first within their body before they move into the next posture. When we find our alignment physically it makes it...
Give Yourself Love

Give Yourself Love

It’s Valentines Day,  and it seems to be another commercial holiday … have you noticed how much the same flowers you bought a week ago are now twice as much? Here’s a concept, give to yourself first. Instead of trying to please everyone else, give to yourself first....
What if today…

What if today…

It’s the beginning of a new year and a reflective time for many of us. It is also a time where we begin to feel that we are not enough the way we are … we see internet ads, read blogs all about self-improvement, goals, resolutions, forming new habits, all of...
Letting Go and Relaxing…

Letting Go and Relaxing…

Infinite Onions of Life   AWE … the infinite onions of life … letting go and relaxing. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a 3-day silent retreat, our compassionate hosts were Vicki Overfelt, founder of Mindfulness Utah and Scott Moore....
The ABC’s of Tai Chi

The ABC’s of Tai Chi

Lately, I have been contemplating the ABC’s of Tai Chi and connecting them as the ABC’s of everyday life. Which make sense, right? I believe and have been taught that one lives Tai Chi, the same as when you hear yogis say, “take your practice off the mat.” It’s the...
Four Things to Minimize in Life

Four Things to Minimize in Life

As most of you know, at the end of each year, I choose a book with different thoughts for the upcoming 365-days. Giving me different things to ponder on my meditation cushion every day. In 2018, I chose to reread The Tao of Joy Every Day, by Derek Lin. Below is an...
Spring … Planting Seeds on the Inside

Spring … Planting Seeds on the Inside

After teaching class today to 20 wonderful souls at Mountain Yoga Sandy, I realized I haven’t written about spring and what it means to me. This time of year, a lot of us begin to think of what we want to plant in our gardens, contemplating what veggies to grow and...
Softness Always Overcomes Hardness

Softness Always Overcomes Hardness

I have been repeating the words, “softness always overcomes hardness” in my classes lately. Reminding students that softness begins with us, having kindness and compassion for ourselves first, then it can naturally move outwardly onto others. Another saying that has...