Personal Insights

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”

Join me here as I share moments of insights from the experiences and people I hold dear. It’s my way of expressing the flow of Qigong & Tai Chi in words—hoping that as we reflect together, we can BE.

Open Your Heart to the Tao

Open Your Heart to the Tao

In this time of physically distancing, we can still connect with others and more importantly ourselves. #47 Tao Te Ching by Steven Mitchell Without...

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Live Life with the 70% Rule

Live Life with the 70% Rule

In the practice of Qigong / T’ai Chi, I remind students to use the 70% rule. Seventy-percent extension when extending their arms, 70% when...

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Yang Metal Rat

Yang Metal Rat

The aspects below were written and given to me with permission to share from my friend, Tina Falk, Professional Feng Shui Educator, Chinese...

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Giving in December

Giving in December

The holidays mean different things to each of us. I believe our desires change each year as we ripen on the vine of life and we learn from our own...

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Flowing Between Ease and Effort

Flowing Between Ease and Effort

Our society is big on being productive … going the extra mile … giving 110% effort … doing more than what’s “expected” whether that’s at work, in a...

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A Special Group of Women

A Special Group of Women

This past Sunday, instead of teaching my weekly Qigong class, I had the opportunity to volunteer my time sharing Qigong with eight wonderful ladies....

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Expand and Integrate

Expand and Integrate

I remember hearing these two words together in a yoga class taught by Brooke. She was having us focus on our breath, inhaling expansion and exhaling...

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