Touching Your Practice Everyday

Jul 10, 2014

We all have different practices (passions) that make our heart sing. For some it may be gardening, and for others cooking, reading, art, dancing or simply connecting with nature. My question to you is,”Are you touching your passion/practice everyday? If your answer is no, why is that? I can hear a lot of the answers now: I just don’t have the time; I make sure everyone in my family is taken care of first; I am an adult, I don’t have time for my passions; I’m just too tired when I get home from work and I want to chill. I am sure you could add a few more to this list, but you get the idea. Quit making excuses, instead make better choices.

My question to you is, are you not important enough to make yourself a priority in your own life? How do you expect to take care of others in your life, if you do not take care of yourself first?

 “We must fill our own vessel first, before we can fill others.” ~Sifu Gardner

Furthermore, touching your passion everyday doesn’t mean it has to be 2-hrs a day, or even 30-minutes. What if you gave yourself just 10-minutes a day? You could shave off 10-minutes of Facebook surfing or get up 10-minutes early, just for yourself. Everyone can find 10 minutes. It reminds me of the quote, “We make time for what’s important in our lives.” Isn’t it time you became important in your own life?

The key is DOING this EVERYDAY: the consistency brings on your energy flow, allowing it to gain momentum. You are telling the Universe, “This (passion/practice) is important to me.” This will not happen when you plan to touch your practice, say, on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

The quote “Trust is built with consistency,” means to me, building trust within yourself, your intuition, that voice within. It also means building trust with others: when you say you’re going to do something and you consistently do it, it builds that bridge.

To begin this process, I encourage you to ask yourself  these questions: “What makes my heart sing?” “What brings me passion?”  Do this first thing in the morning, before your mind begins to get too busy, thinking of the day ahead. The next step is to find 10-minutes out of each day to “touch” it. Only 10-minutes; I promise you’ll be amazed by the energy it brings, the production you will have for other demands in your life, and how great it feels to give yourself this time, just for you, making yourself a priority.

Now do this consistently, every day for at least one week, or even better, commit to 21 days. Let me know how it works out, by sharing  your passion/practice in a comment below and state what you plan to do. When you share your commitment with others and the Universe — it solidifies it.

I’ll go first: my commitment to you with is to stay in touch with you at least 2x a month, every other Thursday. Having it become Transformational Thursdays… now it’s your turn, what passion will you commit to?


  1. Meditation, breathing and prayer – all so important. Thanks Toni for pushing me forward. With gratitude dear friend (and on your big day!)

    • Thanks so much Rebecca, I really appreciate the comment. And, no need to “push forward” just allow, xo!

  2. I will open a text while on my cushion each day.

    • Sitting on the cushion with a text, is always a great choice.
      Thanks Andrew

  3. I commit to writing everyday. If only for 20 minutes, I will write the stories I’ve been writing forever.

    I apprecaite you, Toni!


    • Love it Sherri, thanks for being brave and sharing with us!
      Writing it is… may the pen flow smoothly.

  4. Hi Sifu Toni!

    I commit to 21 consecutive days of calligraphy practice, some how, some way. I begin tonight!

    Thank you,

    • D’Arcy that sounds perfect, And So It Is…


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