This is Why I Practice

This is Why I Practice

A couple weeks ago, I was asked to record a 2-minute elevator speech on Tai Chi for the Wellness Center Staff Retreat at Huntsman. Of course, I said “yes,” I was honored, and when opportunities arise to educate and share Tai Chi and Qigong, I do my best to...
Letting Go … and Embracing

Letting Go … and Embracing

With the full solar eclispe having arrived today Monday, August 21, 2017, I have been feeling (and reading) how it’s a great time to acknowledge what it is you would like to let go, and what it is you would like to bring to you (embrace). [Moon energies usually linger...
Slow Down and Feel — not Force

Slow Down and Feel — not Force

I am so happy to report that I made it through 12-weeks of chemotherapy without being nauseous, having any pain and I continued to teach 2x a week at Huntsman. I did have [and still do] a little chemo-fatigue, and some slight neuropathy in my toes. My chemo journey...
The Seen and Unseen Benefits of T’ai Chi

The Seen and Unseen Benefits of T’ai Chi

There are so many physiological [seen] and mental-emotional [unseen] benefits to this practice — I know this from personal experience. As you read this article you may ask yourself, “How do I know this might benefit me?” Answer: Get yourself into a class and...
Knowing and Experiencing

Knowing and Experiencing

I have come to the realization that … knowing and experiencing are TWO very DIFFERENT things. I wasn’t going to write anymore about my C-Adventure on this website, but you know what … that is where I am right now. And, that’s okay. It is what it is. [a friend of mine...
Embracing the Unknown

Embracing the Unknown

I am still in the unfolding process with my mind/body/spirit of these last couple months. Oh, how I have missed writing and sharing with you. I waited because I needed more information and time to embrace my personal life-changing “chi moment” [which of...
Asking for H.E.L.P.

Asking for H.E.L.P.

I realized Wednesday after my morning ritual that I was probably one of the few people in the world, who did not know who was elected President of the United States. I had made it a point on election day, to stay away from the media, [of course, I voted early] instead...
Freedom and Compassion

Freedom and Compassion

July 6 was His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s 81st birthday. Last month, I had the honor of listening to him speak for the second time at the Huntsman Center on the University of Utah campus. [He was here back in 2002] His topic this year: “Compassion and Universal...
The Face of Acceptance

The Face of Acceptance

Recently in my T’ai Chi classes with Master Sifu Gardner, he has been sharing with us this concept of becoming The Face of Acceptance. How we need to be more like a polished mirror. A mirror only reflects what is presented in front of it, without judgment — the mirror...
Being versus Doing

Being versus Doing

Being is the yin-side within us, the female expression, our intuition. Doing is the yang-side, the action oriented part of ourselves, the masculine expression. As we know, each person has both energies. [Visualize the yin-yang symbol.]  Our challenge is to...