Truth is Fluid

May 2, 2021

There seems to be so many truths in our world today … and it feels like instead of bringing us together and embracing one another—it is dividing us.

Truth is tai chi. Let me explain.

Truth is fluid because our life [inside and out] is always changing. Truth has never been and will never be static. When we try to hold on to a truth we have outgrown we feel resistance, our body tightens up and our ego wants to be right. For example, when I was in my late twenties, I thought feeling negativity was wrong that I should ignore those feelings, and be happy all the time.

As I have matured in life, my truth now about negativity has changed. I choose to feel every emotion I have in each given moment. And, once I do it moves through me, allowing my chi to continue to flow effortlessly. When I do not allow a feeling [a truth in the presence of a moment] to be felt, and pretend like it’s not there, resistance flairs up inside. Which can lead to discomfort in the body, even dis-ease if denied long enough.

Our body always knows first what our truth is… trust it. And, when you don’t trust it, acknowledge that too. Because it will reinforce to the Universe that you are listening to you, your higher-self, your intuition, source [whatever name resonates with you].  Remember, you have to know a truth from within not be told the truth. Get out of your head and feel into your body for what resonates now, not what should or could, but what does.

With all the truths floating around in our world, stop looking outside of yourself for an answer, and go within. I am not saying to not be informed, ask your questions, gather knowledge, do your own research—and let the truth be presented from within you not outside of you.

Listening to my body has been a gift this year, giving myself more time to contemplate my now truths. Continuously learning what feels good, and what doesn’t because my truths are not the same as they were even a year ago. We change = Tai Chi. How about you, have your truths changed or evolved? 

That being said, let’s remember that everyone’s truth is coming from their own perspective and experience of life. Does it make one person right and the other wrong? No, it doesn’t. It makes us a human collective with various steams of light, color and substance. 

Let’s embrace one another [literally and figuratively]. We are a human collective and are meant for connection not division. So the next time someone shares their truth with you, breathe it in with compassion and respect that human being and their truth, even if you do not agree with it. They will feel better because they were able to share their voice and be seen. You’ll feel better because you listened without resistance.


photo: Robert Lukeman @


  1. This really resonated….thank you! Our body always knows first what our truth is… trust it. And, when you don’t trust it, acknowledge that too. Because it will reinforce to the Universe that you are listening to you, your higher-self, your intuition, source [whatever name resonates with you].

    • Thanks Pearl for letting me know it resonated with you… I love knowing it does ;-!

  2. I especially loved “Get out of your head and feel into your body for what resonates now, not what should or could, but what does.”

    Thanks, Toni. This is so good. Beautiful, simple and TRUTHful. : )

    • You’re welcome and thanks Terry for taking the time to comment, may we all feel into our body more and think less.


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