Paulo Coelho has been my one of my favorite authors since, The Alchemist. He wrote this and posted it on FaceBook, and I wanted to share it with you all. Its essence is tai chi, but then again I believe life is tai chi. __________ A young cloud was born...
I thought a short writing about the subject of acceptance would be a great way to start 2021. Let’s begin with an invitation, accept everything in your world exactly as it is. Sound simple enough? It can be difficult if we consider putting up resistance against the...
I have been looking at my reflection being mirrored to me through my 16-yr-old daughter. I am doing my best to hold the middle ground, not take things personally, but it’s a challenge—as any parent will tell you. I know all this is an opportunity for growth, for the...
It’s the beginning of a new year and a reflective time for many of us. It is also a time where we begin to feel that we are not enough the way we are … we see internet ads, read blogs all about self-improvement, goals, resolutions, forming new habits, all of...
I have been repeating the words, “softness always overcomes hardness” in my classes lately. Reminding students that softness begins with us, having kindness and compassion for ourselves first, then it can naturally move outwardly onto others. Another saying that has...
The word transitions seems to keep coming up for me … maybe because 2017 was a metamorphosis of a year. As most of you know it started out with me being diagnosed with breast cancer in January; surgery to remove the tumors on February 13 [clean nodes & clean...