Recognizing Impermanence

Recognizing Impermanence

  The Cambridge dictionary defines impermanence as “the state of not lasting for ever or not lasting for a long time.” Let’s ponder this—not lasting for ever or a long time—we know this, and yet do we recognize it? At times, maybe, when someone we know dies...
Presence for the Holidays

Presence for the Holidays

This insight was written one week from Thanksgiving. Linear time seems to be escaping me more often than not. Which is perfect because wherever I go, there I am. Haven’t we heard this statement many times in different ways? The present moment contains past and...
Where is Your Head & Feet?

Where is Your Head & Feet?

I have been asking students, “How often is your head and your feet in the same place?” Meaning how often are you being present. Or, is your body in one place, and your head in the clouds with thoughts of the future or the past? I was recently teaching a class, and one...
Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

Deepening Our Understanding of Qigong

My second installation of Sifu Gardner’s Master Qigong class, continuing with more insights we received from that class. This is written with his words from the recording, and from my understanding. My personal notes are in (brackets).   Qigong Qigong happens...
What Does it Mean to Flow?

What Does it Mean to Flow?

There’s a famous quote in the Tao Te Ching about water: Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible, nothing can surpass it.  Water is inclusive, it gives wherever it flows. It’s unconditional. Water has no...