Letting Go and Relaxing…

Letting Go and Relaxing…

Infinite Onions of Life   AWE … the infinite onions of life … letting go and relaxing. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a 3-day silent retreat, our compassionate hosts were Vicki Overfelt, founder of Mindfulness Utah and Scott Moore....
Four Things to Minimize in Life

Four Things to Minimize in Life

As most of you know, at the end of each year, I choose a book with different thoughts for the upcoming 365-days. Giving me different things to ponder on my meditation cushion every day. In 2018, I chose to reread The Tao of Joy Every Day, by Derek Lin. Below is an...
Be Who We Are with What We Know

Be Who We Are with What We Know

Every year, I choose a 365-day book to read on my cushion in the mornings with the my hot water and lemon. This is the second year, I am reading, The Book of Awakening, Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have, by poet and philosopher, Mark...