Infinite Onions of Life AWE … the infinite onions of life … letting go and relaxing. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to participate in a 3-day silent retreat, our compassionate hosts were Vicki Overfelt, founder of Mindfulness Utah and Scott Moore....
As most of you know, at the end of each year, I choose a book with different thoughts for the upcoming 365-days. Giving me different things to ponder on my meditation cushion every day. In 2018, I chose to reread The Tao of Joy Every Day, by Derek Lin. Below is an...
Every year, I choose a 365-day book to read on my cushion in the mornings with the my hot water and lemon. This is the second year, I am reading, The Book of Awakening, Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have, by poet and philosopher, Mark...