Balance the Fire and Receive

Balance the Fire and Receive

As we move into the summer solstice soon here in the northern hemisphere, the rising heat reminds us we are in nature’s most yang season, fire. I asked the students a question today: “What happens when a fire goes unattended?” They knew and replied, “It’s out of...
Creating a Joyful Summer

Creating a Joyful Summer

Does the title entice you, and bring out your curiosity? I hope so…thought I would share the elements of summer and how we can create joy in the season. FIRE ELEMENT On the 21st of June, we had the summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere. Creating the longest...
The Three Treasures

The Three Treasures

I often get asked, “Why do you choose to use the number three when teaching exercises and repeating movements 3, 6, 9 times?” Below I have listed a few personal reasons and also about The Three Treasures. Personal Reasons The number three symbolizes the trinity....