Personal Insights
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. said, “A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”
Join me here as I share moments of insights from the experiences and people I hold dear. It’s my way of expressing the flow of Qigong & Tai Chi in words—hoping that as we reflect together, we can BE.
Ending a Cycle, Beginning Another
The year 2025 is a 9 in numerology, find out what that can possibly mean for you.
To Want or Choose?
What’s the difference between the words “want” and “choose”?
Recognizing Green Flags
Feel more confident in your ability to maintain healthy relationships with green flags.
Boundaries Create Spaciousness
To get what’s best for your highest good in relationships, create a boundary bridge.
Live Each Day
Every moment of every day is precious.
Living a Qigong/Tai Chi Life
What does it mean to live a life of Qigong/Tai Chi?
Recognizing Impermanence
How to consciously recognize the impermanence of life, by embracing each moment.
Balance the Fire and Receive
Invitations to balance the giving of the Yang energy of summer.
Focusing on the Rainbows
I am choosing to focus on the rainbows in my life instead of fixating on the clouds.