Energy Follows Thought

Oct 30, 2014

I can honestly say for the past few years, I have been desiring to teach and share more Qigong and T’ai Chi. Both practices have made such an impact on my life, and I wanted others to feel it too. Knowing I can make a difference in someone’s life that they can feel throughout their whole being, is inspiring to me.

[monsalonquote font_size=”1.1em” mark_size=”2.1em” max_width=”400px” color=”#d42647″]I truly believe the practice of Qigong & T’ai Chi help us find an inner stillness that allows us to be fully present in our everydayness.[/monsalonquote]

Two and a half years ago, my teacher, Sifu Gardner challenged me to begin teaching Qigong Workshops outside of our school, spread my wings, and go out on my own. Nervously, I did. I began teaching around our community, a total of 4x a year. I chose to schedule each workshop around the Solstice (a time of change). I still enjoy teaching these experiential workshops tremendously, and have had people return several times, and even bring a friend. A sign to me, I am on the right path. I chose to “lean in” to this teaching transition because  1) I was truly nervous to go out on my own; 2) I am a Mom of a 10-year-old; 3) I also have graphic design business; and 4) I am already teaching once a week at Red Lotus.

Earlier this year, Sifu mentioned that the Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) was looking to hire someone to teach Qigong and T’ai Chi in their Wellness Center to staff, patients and caregivers. He asked if I would be interested? I quickly replied, “yes!”

In the summer of 2012, I was fortunate to be a part of teaching Qigong to a focus group of men at Huntsman, where we taught them for 12-weeks, 2x a week. I could see how much the men were regaining their balance, strength and releasing stress during those 12-weeks. It really made an impact on me, because they were able to let go of holding on to past patterns of negative thinking, and let go of thoughts and patterns of the future…. allowing them to remain present.

Well, you guessed it, I am now teaching 2x a week up in the Wellness Center at HCI. I started in July, and as the class continues to grow, I am humbled in being the person to share Qigong & T’ai Chi with the amazing individuals who come to class.

I am honored to be part of the HCI mind/body team, you can see my bio and the rest of team.

I whole-heartedly encourage you, if you know of anyone that works at HCI, or happens to be a patient, please direct them to the Wellness Center, and they will give you a schedule of all the wonderful classes they offer. Qigong and T’ai Chi are currently Monday’s and Thursday’s 9:30-10:30am.


  1. This couldn’t have come at a better time! I really needed it. Thank you!

    • Hi Chad,
      You are very welcome, I’m glad it resonated with you.

  2. I believe in your positive flow of energy moving forward

    • Thank you Andrew and for your loving support.


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