Ending a Cycle, Beginning Another

Jan 12, 2025

Welcome to 2025, which in numerology is the number 9.
2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9

The energy of the number 9 represents completion—coming full circle—not finality. This year may be a sign that a phase of your life is coming to a close, making space for new beginnings.

I have felt this personally on many levels. My daughter will be turning 21 later this fall, my mom and dad will be 80 later this year, and I am rolling into a new decade.

My teacher, Sifu Gardner, has been a mentor to me on many things these past 25+ years we have been together. A few of his words of wisdom: live for today, don’t take yourself too seriously, laugh at yourself, and be a kind and compassionate human being. These lessons have shaped how I approach the changes I’m experiencing now.


Coming full circle in this 9-year period for me means that certain things are returning to my life, but in a new way—asking me to understand them from a different perspective. It’s a way of unlearning the black-and-white thinking I’ve been conditioned with, and embracing the idea that learning isn’t linear; it’s a spiral.

Letting others be themselves because I know I cannot change them; the only thing I can change is me and how I move through this world.

Let Them is the title of Mel Robbins’s new book. It’s still on my list to get, but I did recently listen to her podcast on “We Can Do Hard Things.” So many aha moments for me, especially when she explains, “Let them—let me,” using a simple example of being in a grocery store.

She reminds us that we are adults, capable of making our own choices, and that we choose where to invest our energy. I’m done trying to fix or change others—instead, I choose to let them be who they are. Thanks, Mel.

When I was younger, I really cared about what people thought of me, and I wanted everyone to like me. Well, I have learned that it is not possible. I am not everyone’s cup of tea and vice versa. I have learned that what other people think about me is none of my business.

I know who I am: a kind and compassionate human being. I also understand I haven’t always been that person—I have grown into it.

For those of you that have known me for a long time, you know I am still working on this and probably will for the rest of this lifetime. For years, I have interrupted friends and family when having a conversation.

Thinking I know what they are going to say, so I “jump in.” Which, I have been reminded, “no,” that isn’t what they were going to say. Instead, I am learning to embrace the silence with someone and not feel like I have to bridge the gap with words.


Space for new beginnings means to me, as I continue to “unlearn” from my past conditioning, I create opportunities for possibilities because my energy is not on what isn’t working; it’s moving towards expansiveness and broader perspectives.

I am expanding my horizons to different cultures, and I plan on continuing to do so in this autumn season (the 3rd chapter) of my life. It’s very humbling and exciting at the same time.

I am taking a deep breath because I actually am sharing this one with you. It’s time for me to open my heart and mind to love, prosperity, and happiness—something I’ve often kept at arm’s length, but I’m learning to embrace fully now.

Embracing that I do have wisdom to share from my experiences of studying Tai Chi/Qigong for more than 25+ years. My Sifu reminds me that for as long as I have been practicing, it’s like getting a PhD. And I will continue to practice and teach for the rest of my life and beyond. Because it makes my heart sing, and literally I feel the difference in my mind/body/spirit. It continues to change and deepen, giving me more reason to continue on this life path. Thank you, Sifu Gardner, for all that you have not only given me but to many others. You are right, Sifu: we never truly know how many lives we’ve touched.




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